Last Wednesday, December 8, a donation day was held, organized by Once Por Todos. Private school Nº 99 “María Reina Inmaculada” from the Macarone neighborhood of Paraná received donations through the social volunteering program “Lafedarnos” of Laboratorios Lafedar.
Empathy, commitment, and teamwork were reflected in the final results.
Beyond the collection of non-perishable food, hygiene and cleaning products, this great campaign invites us to experience the power that our actions have if we unite and work together for a common goal. To enjoy GIVING, as an ultimate goal that generates real change.
The action itself seeks to transmit a spirit of solidarity through each Paranaense, to project a better future for all, without food insecurity. Together we make possible the exponential commitment to collaborate!
We thank such a distinguished partner institution of Once Por Todos, with whom we created a bond in times of pandemic, when the articulations between local actors were fundamental. Let us continue projecting and working together.